Negligence regarding the health of children


World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on 4th February all over the world. Its goal is to make people aware of a deadly disease like cancer. But this initiative, started 22 years ago, still has not been able to improve the situation in India. Cancer remains a topic in the country even today, on which people do not want to talk openly.

To find out why, we spoke to Dr. Vivek Bansal, Senior Radiation Oncologist, Apollo CBCC Cancer Care Hospital, Ahmedabad.

Question- What are the reasons for low awareness among people about cancer?

Answer- A major reason behind the low awareness about cancer is the lack of education in the cities and villages. In rural areas, the situation is even worse. Due to lack of education, patients reach late for treatment and ignore the early symptoms of cancer. Medical facilities are also not good in such places. For example, if a patient has ulcerative cancer in the mouth, it is possible that the local doctor will prescribe him some other disease and treat him. To completely deny the possibility of getting cancer is also called being unaware.

Question- How is the situation of Tier 2 and 3 cities different as compared to Tier 1 cities?

Answer- Poor education system in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities is a big reason for not knowing about cancer. These cities lack medical facilities and sanitation. People consume more alcohol and tobacco, which can lead to cancer. The common man in these areas is afraid of getting cancer treatment due to economic, religious and social reasons. By the time they go to the doctor with their problems, it is too late.

Question- How do women and children cope with cancer due to social stigma?

Answer- Lack of education, early marriage, multiple pregnancies, non-use of contraception and poor hygiene increase the problems of women and children. Apart from this, due to the conservative thinking and discrimination of the society, there is negligence regarding the health of women and children. Common symptoms of cancer such as fever, ulcers, lumps around the neck are ignored. Due to this they do not get treatment in the early stage of cancer.

Question- What initiative should be taken by the government for cancer awareness?

Answer- The government should focus on cancer screening, awareness, education and mortality. The last two things are extremely important for cancer registry in the country. Cancer hospitals should also be opened in every district along with cancer awareness programs. This will enable people to get the necessary treatment at the right time. The government should ban things like tobacco and alcohol.

Along with this, information related to this subject should be given to every household in the villages through Anganwadi workers. Special attention will have to be given to children and women. Cervical cancer test should be made available to women above the age of 50 years. People should also be told about contraception.


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